
Drug Sale and Delivery

Criminal Defense
Drug Sale and Delivery

Defending Your Interests Against Serious Drug Sale And Delivery Charges In Chicago

A state or federal criminal court conviction for drug sale and delivery can effectively put an offender behind bars for years. Along with this harsh punishment come substantial fines that can wipe out financial resources and a criminal record that follows the convicted person for the rest of his or her life.

Before your trial, you have one chance to select the right criminal defense attorneys who can protect your rights, in and out of court.

Our law firm has over four decades of combined trial experience, dedication to your rights, a recognized track record and personal service that can make a positive difference.

The Experienced
Criminal Defense
You Deserve In
Greater Chicago


What Our Clients Say

When You Find Yourself
In Trouble, Reach Out To
Prusak and Harkins, LLC

The first step toward putting this legal crisis behind you —
and possibly avoiding a prison term, heavy fines and a
criminal record as a felon — is to call 312-226-0640 or
email us before speaking with anyone else. Your initial
consultation is free of charge.

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Call Us Today For
A Free Consultation

talk with our attorneys

(312) 226-0640